16. May 2009 was held White Swiss Shepherd Specialty show EVLÜ Club Winner 2009. The Judge was Jan de Gids from the Netherlands, who was one of the first judges in the Netherlands at the time when the breed was in the beginning of its development and was not officially recognized in Europe. When FCI finally reqognized the breed then he was judge that teached other judges to get rights to start judging the White Swiss Shepherd breed. The description and critics from this year was so much that there was not enough space on description list to write it all down. In the end of every ring was also spoken description about every single dog for the audience. We were very pleased with the whole day which is not a surprise since we again did absolutely great. Our Achiever is making history and won again the third year row from specialty show the result Best of Breed and is by now already EVLÜ CW 2009, 2008 and 2007. Best of Opposite Sex was Alfix who was last year after our Herakles Best Male 2 and whose father is our Achievers brother Flipper 🙂 Stright after Achiever was her daughter Born to Win White Edelweiss who most probably if the handlers would have been the opposite way might be a high competition to her own mother 🙂 The Sepcialty Show Open Class victory, certificate ring 2 place and CAC and Best Female 2 directly after Achiever was for Edelweiss very high victory especially if to think that it was their third dog show at all. If to remind then her very first dog show was also specialty show where they participated in puppy class and won and finally won also Best of Breed Puppy 🙂 There were more surprises as Junior Class was won and Best of Breed Junior title achieved by Born to Win White Hannibal who participated in his life at the first dog show ever. And Junior Females won and Best of Opposite Sex Junior title achieved by Herakles puppy Bright Light from Kontrastas. Males Puppy Class was won and Best of Breed Puppy title achieved by Born to Win White Imperator. Females Puppy Class was won and Best of Opposite Sex Puppy title achieved by Born to Win White Justice 🙂 Certainley should be mentioned that first time ever was also presented our kennel in Breeders Class with result excellent and extremely good description where was said that class with quality dogs, beautiful heads, nice bodies and good construction with middle strong bones, nice movement and beautiful dogs 🙂 What more could a breeder wish for 🙂 Above were mentioned the createst winners but since there were more our kennel dogs participating then all the results are there:
Born To Win White Imperator owner Katrin Kaare 1 place, QC, BOB P
Born To Win White Idol omanik Age Põldaru, 2 place, QC
Born To Win White Judge omanik Jaanus Põhjala not present
Born To Win White Justice owners Airi Lokk and Monika Laneman 1 place, QC, BOS P
Born To Win White Ironlady owners Indrek and Signe Salumets and Monika Laneman 2 place
Born To Win White Hannibal owner Mehis Siim EX1, JCAC, BOB J, Best Male 4
White Gold Dream Bond owners Helen Järvelaid and Liia Juhani VG2
Born To Win White Hector G3
Bright Light From Kontrastas owner Kadi Kreis EX1, JCAC, BOS J, Best Female 3
Joulumaan Arcticoodilucia owner Imbi Tedrekin EX2
White Gold Dream Bonny owners Mihkel Rikas and Margot Luukas VG3
Born To Win White Hera owner Karin Vetsa VG4
Born To Win White General owners Monika Laneman and Lauri Bauvald EX1
White Gold Dream Alfix owners Margot Luukas and Mihkel Rikas EX1, C1, CAC, Best Male 1, BOS
Born To Win White Gladiator owner Gerli Aron VG2
Einstein Isy Of The Heart Of Lothian owner Pille Lumi EX1, C2, Best Male 2
Caldwell W. Bohemia owner Katrin Kaare EX2, C3, Best Male 3
Estrellest La Rocco owner Urve Kallavus EX3, C4
Born To Win White Gatekeeper owners Leili Kang and Monika Laneman EX1
Born To Win White EGO owner Monika Laneman EX2
Born To Win White Edelweiss owner Natalia Kuhi EX1, C2, CAC, Best Female 2
Born To Win White Demremira owner Margit Parman EX2, C3, Best Female 4
White Gold Dream Agnes owner Ingrid Müürsepp not present
Achiever Of The Heart Of Lothian owner Monika Laneman EX1, C1, Best Females 1, BOB
Estrellest Lucky omanik Hele Järv EX2
Kennel Born To Win White EX1