Born to Win Warrior Hooligan passed in Finland character test with results LTE+205. Judges: Jorma Kerkka & Leena Berg! These judges with this result means that this dog is a very good white shepherd and could be compared with a good charactered German Shepherds! We are very satisfied! Born to Win Warrior Hooligan passed in Finland character test with results LTE+205 1

Thank You Riina Laaksonen for taking good care of this boy! I think he is a real asset in White Shepherd breed where the biggest problem is soft and afraid charactered dogs. I should mention that the first result was +53 points from different type of judges which would mean that this dog would not be suitable for breeding! Well, when I looked at the videos I had totally different opinion. So did the different pair of judges this time. Because of that, I would really like to point out that you should not value the dog based on Character tests or training results! Believe only your own eyes. I have seen dogs with IPO results and also 200+ Character Test results that are not good dogs. And I have seen dogs who sleep on someones couch and are never seen anywhere but are very good dogs!

Happy Weekend to Everyone!

Born to Win Warrior Hooligan passed in Finland character test with results LTE+205 2